Learn to trade profitably - FREE webinar


Join Trade Specialists from the GT247.com trading desk in this insightful webinar where Paul and Barry will be discussing the basics of trading as well as a few tips on how to maximise your profitability by managing your risk properly.

Whether you are a beginner or intermediate trader, this webinar is for you.

To participate in this webinar, simply book your seat and power on your PC or mobile phone to tune into the webinar. Feel free to ask questions and engage with our team.


Book your seat


PaulChakaduka Barry-Image-2-1

Our panellists for the evening, Paul Chakaduka and Barry Dumas.

WHEN: Thu, October 4, 2018 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

To take full advantage of this session, make sure to be logged into your MT5 account with GT247.com.

Don't have an active LIVE account? Register one here for free and claim your -> REGISTER ACCOUNT

Free seats limited to the first 100 registrants so don't delay!


Book your seat


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